In a healthy body-a healthy mind

Bodybuilding and Intervertebral hernias


An intervertebral hernia is a very serious problem that imposes various restrictions not only in the choice of a sport, but also in everyday life. Many people believe that with such a disease it is strictly forbidden to work out in the gym.


Intervertebral hernia is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is a violation of the integrity of the intervertebral disc. The intervertebral disc dampens the movements of the vertebrae between which it is located.

The disk consists of a shell – a fibrous ring and its interior-a pulpous nucleus. When the fibrous ring is damaged, the contents of the disk begin to bulge out, this is called a hernia.

Most often, this phenomenon occurs in the lumbar spine, less often – the cervical and thoracic.


  • Sedentary lifestyle. Due to the fact that a person does not move and does not develop his body, his muscles become weak. In this case, the spine loses its protection and takes the load on itself;
  • Excessive loads. Due to the enormous loads, the intervertebral discs are deformed, which leads to hernias;
  • Injuries;
  • Curvature of the spine.

Sports for problems with disks

A significant part of the world’s population had to face the problem of a vertebral hernia. This disease belongs to the number of acquired as a result of: injuries; excessive loads; chronic diseases. A hernia is a process of disc degeneration, which results in the destruction of the fibrous ring and the outflow of pulp contents through the shell, the integrity of which is violated during the disease.

It is not necessary to decide on your own how to practice, because the slightest violation of the rules and load distribution can lead to deep trauma and disability. A doctor or a well-trained physical therapy coach will be able to choose a set of exercises.

The most common disease that fitness club clients have is a herniated disc. Coaches are often asked questions: how to work out with a hernia, is it possible to work out with a hernia, what are the load restrictions, can a gym be used as a means of rehabilitation for a herniated disc? The purpose of this article is to give visitors of fitness clubs answers to these questions, to describe the essence of the disease and to give recommendations on the load.


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